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21 Responses to Caleb

  1. ehaworth says:

    It sounds like you had a great holiday Caleb!

    I think Sea Life sounds fantastic.

    Miss Haworth

  2. lucy (Trixie's mum) says:

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun Caleb! Sealife sounds amazing. I’d love to go there one day. What was the best thing you saw? I’d like to see an octopus swimming – what do they do with all those legs?!


  3. ehaworth says:

    The best thing I saw was a shark and a penguin.

    from Caleb

  4. Lucy says:

    I might feel a bit worried by the sharks – although I did once go for a swim in the sea with some VERY SMALL and NOT DANGEROUS AT ALL sharks. That was fun – but still a little bit scary. A shark is a shark, right?!

    I think penguins are very cool. When I was at primary school I wrote about penguins and got a star for my work. I was so proud I still remember it a hundred and fifty years later. Lots of things have changed since then but *you* like penguins just like I did at your age. When you are super old like me I bet children will still love watching penguins. What do you think?


    Hi Caleb!!!!!

    Sharks and penguins?! Wow! I would like to actually go there sometime! You see,we once tried to go to sealife but the queue was soooooooooooooooooooooooo long that we just gave up and had an ice cream instead!
    My motto is:

    Try again,try again then give up and ask someone else to do it for you then try again later!!!!!
    GASP!!!!!!!(that was me taking a big breath!)

    Trix x

  5. Layla Sayah says:

    You probably had a great time Caleb

    From Layla

  6. harry camilo says:

    nice time hu

  7. Emilia says:

    that sounds like a great adventure

  8. beta says:

    When I went sealife my favirot creatures is the biggest shark.

  9. beta says:

    It’s so cool when you look at the crocdale it’s so still you think it’s dead

  10. beta says:

    Well done! caleb. beta

  11. Caleb says:

    Beta have you seen the octopus

  12. mervyn says:

    well done caled by mervyn

  13. caleb says:

    caleb i really loved the sea life alot

  14. Natalia bloch says:

    It sounds like you had a great hoilday!!!!!!!!!!!!

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